RobbMc Performance Products

Performance Products For The Rest Of Us

Made in the USA

Q: Do your products have a warranty?

A: Yes. We will repair at no charge any item that is found to be defective for 90 days from the day we ship. You pay only the shipping to us and we will pay to ship it back to you.

Q: What if my RobbMc product fails after the warranty period?

A: We will repair any RobbMc starter, fuel pump or sending unit for no more than half the price of a new one as long as the complete product is sent back to us. No matter how old the product.

Q: How do you ship within the USA?

A: USPS Priority Mail (2 to 3 days).

Q: Do you ship internationally?

A: Yes, via USPS Priority Mail (about 2 to 3 weeks) You can order directly from our website. NOTE: DUE TO THE NEW VAT SYSTEM, WE NO LONGER SHIP TO THE UK OR THE EU.

Q: What about sales tax?

A: 7.475% sales tax will be added to any orders shipped to a Nevada address.

Q: How do I pay for a RobbMc product?

A: Purchases can be made from our website using a credit card or Paypal. We also accept credit card orders over the phone, however we do charge $10 each time we run a card for you.

Q: Are volume discounts available?

A: Yes. We have volume discounts of up to 10%. Email us at for more info.

Q: How long will it take you to ship my order after I pay?

A: If your order is only for a few items, we usually ship within 48 hours. If you place an order from our website, and we cannot ship within a few days, we will email you with an expected ship date and give you the option of canceling your order. Or email us at before you pay and we will let you know when we can ship.

Q: Should I buy the 550HP pump or the 1100HP pump?

A: If your car is street driven and the engine produces no more than 550 horsepower, the 550HP pump will work fine. If the car is primarily used for racing or if the engine produces more than 550 hp, the 1100HP pump is a better choice. The 1100HP not only produces more volume but the pressure can be adjusted higher so that a regulator can be used. A high pressure pump used with a regulator will provide steadier pressure than a low pressure pump.

Q: What if I buy a 550HP pump and later find that I need a 1100HP pump?

A: Any 550HP pump can be upgraded to 1100HP specifications for $100. Email us at for more info.

Q: Do I have to use a pressure regulator with the 1100HP pump?

A: Not necessarily. The output pressure is adjustable and if you reduce the pressure to about 7 psi, a regulator is usually not needed to prevent the carb from flooding. However, reducing the pump output pressure from 14 psi to 7 psi reduces the pump output volume by about 50%. So if the engine produces over about 550 hp, or if the car is used for racing, increasing the pump pressure and using a regulator is highly recommended.

Q: You don't list a pump/starter/sending unit for my car. Can you make one?

A: In many cases, yes, and often for only slightly more money than one of our standard units. Email us at with your requirement for more information.

Q: My car has a small 1/4" factory "vapor return" line that was connected to the factory pump (or fuel filter) in addition to the inlet and outlet lines. Can I use this line with a RobbMc 550HP pump?

A: Yes. RobbMc 550HP pumps come with a metered fitting to accept a 1/4" rubber "vapor return" hose. A plug is also supplied for those applications not using a "vapor return" line.

Q: The 7 psi produced by the RobbMc 550HP pump is too high for my carb. How can I lower the pressure?

A: If your car is equipped with a 1/4" factory "vapor return" line, connect it to the supplied metered fitting to reduce the idle pressure by about 1 psi. If your car is not equipped with a return line (or you need even less pressure), you can add a non-return style pressure regulator (such as RobbMc PN 1050) between the pump and the carb.

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